Our House, Design Nicki Pasqualone Our House, Design Nicki Pasqualone

Master Bedroom Refresh

There’s nothing like a quarantine to make you look around and want to redo every single space in your house, am I right? I have been wanting to get a new rug in our bedroom room for awhile. I never intended to use the dark grey shag rug in there but it worked for the time being when we got a new living room rug that went better with our sectional.

There’s nothing like a quarantine to make you look around and want to redo every single space in your house, am I right?

I have been wanting to get a new rug in our bedroom room for awhile. I never intended to use the dark grey shag rug in there but it worked for the time being when we got a new living room rug that went better with our sectional. Shag rugs kind of give me the creeps. It feels impossible to keep them clean, stuff like earrings and coins get lost in them and the amount of dust the rugs must harbor is probably incredible. Not that I need an excuse for getting a new rug, but these are definitely some reasons for the change.


So what started with a new rug quickly began the search for a new duvet, quilt and pillows. I usually start my search on Pinterest… I find a “look” I want to emulate and go from there. I kept being drawn to a particular rug and I thought it was interesting because it wasn’t really my usual “style.” I’m such a neutral gal and this was pretty colorful, for me. I decided to just do it.

Now onto the bedding… since the rug definitely makes more of a statement I knew the bedding should be pretty neutral. I’m a huge fan of white bedding but it’s just, scary, especially with a new puppy. I fell in love with this quilt from Pottery Barn but it was pricey, so I sat on it for awhile. When I found a super reasonable duvet cover from Target, I justified the quilt splurge.


There was another change I wanted to make when redoing the bedding, the way I made the bed. I wanted a more modern look with just two Euro shams instead of three against the headboard. I wanted a touch of color on the bed too but it was so hard finding the exact blue blanket I wanted. I ended up going for a quilt and since it came with shams, I threw them on too. I like the hint of blue that peeks out behind the Euros.

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Design, Our House Nicki Pasqualone Design, Our House Nicki Pasqualone

White Kitchen Renovation

My kitchen. I’m in love with it. I’m STILL in love with it after living here for three and a half years. In our old house we had a really small kitchen with black granite countertops. I loved the look of black when I picked it out building our first house, but it made the kitchen so DARK.

My kitchen. I’m in love with it. I’m STILL in love with it after living here for three and a half years. In our old house we had a really small kitchen with black granite countertops. I loved the look of black when I picked it out building our first house, but it made the kitchen so DARK. I knew when we were renovating our new house that I wanted the kitchen as big and as light and bright as possible. I added more windows and picked out Cambria quartz countertops, the color is Torquay.

white kitchen renovation, interior design, design inspiration, white kitchen cabinets, quartz countertops, cambria torquay quartz, kitchen design, vero beach interior designer, kitchen designer

Want to see the drastic before and after?! Check this out!

white kitchen renovation, interior design, design inspiration, white kitchen cabinets, quartz countertops, cambria torquay quartz, kitchen design, vero beach interior designer, kitchen designer
white kitchen renovation, interior design, design inspiration, white kitchen cabinets, quartz countertops, cambria torquay quartz, kitchen design, vero beach interior designer, kitchen designer

The flooring is from Home Depot’s Home Decorator’s Collection and I LOVE it.  The stools are from Target and the faucet’s are by Danze.  All of our appliances are from the Frigidaire Gallery Collection.  Our cabinet are by J&K Cabinetry from Ultimate Cabinet Supplies in Roseland, and the knobs and pulls are from Home Depot. Here is a link to the amazing backsplash from Lowes, it’s SO pretty and reasonable too!

white kitchen renovation, interior design, design inspiration, white kitchen cabinets, quartz countertops, cambria torquay quartz, kitchen design, vero beach interior designer, kitchen designer
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